Field Mice Extermination

We are the experts!

Field mice play a very important role in the ecosystem. They are a source of food for raptors, owls, foxes, martens, polecats, weasels, snakes and other predators. They also help to disseminate seeds in the forest.

The damage caused by field mice

These pests eat the bark at the base of many plants. The most fragile ones: apple trees and other fruit trees, linden trees, maples and many other trees, weigela, spirea and many other varieties of shrubs.
Indeed when many and hungry, field mice attack just about any tree or shrub. Even conifers are not spared. Shrubs or younger trees are more at risk, hence the need to protect their trunks in autumn.

What you need to know about this damage is that they prevent the sap from rising so they condemn the plant if it is completely nibbled around its trunk. The sap that rises below the bark in the green part, the cambium, the only living part of the trunks and branches can no longer rise to the leaves, so the plant is doomed to die. A plant at its base may be able to produce leaves on its reserves, but eventually it will die.

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Eliminate field mice in your houses

The icy winter season, snow, rain forces mice, mice, rats and others to abandon their burrows and migrate near the buildings, where the soil is drained. Subsequently, intense cold tempted them to infiltrate residences and commercial buildings.

With the rains during the winter season, rodents are all out and we were more solicited. In general, around October when it gets colder and they look for a place to spend the winter.
Mice and other rodents are one of the many factors that influence the growth of young forest trees. They are sometimes a factor against which we can hardly fight. Often, the problems they cause can be avoided by acting on their habitat.

The losses caused by their natural enemies to rodent populations are offset by their phenomenal reproductive capacity. Sexual maturity is reached at five weeks, allowing 4 or 5 generations to develop in a single summer. With litters that can have up to ten young, a female can theoretically have several thousand offspring in one summer.


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